Our Royalty-Free Music Collections
From this page, you'll find collections that feature all of our royalty-free music tracks. Over 60 collections have been curated to align music by styles, moods, intentions, and more. Each designed to help you discover the perfect sound for your project.
Music has the ability to serve more than one purpose, so you'll find many of our tracks listed in multiple collections. For example, meditation music written in 432 Hz may also serve to promote deep relaxation and sleep. So browse freely, knowing that we've carefully curated each of the collections below with this in mind.
From 528 Hz and Solfeggio frequencies, to ambient music soundscapes. Each collection delivers powerful, resonant tones that soothe the mind and inspire creativity. Ready for immediate licensing, our tracks have been a trusted go-to resource for healers and creatives looking for unique, high-quality sound healing since 2015.